At the end of every schoolyear, we celebrate with a peace festival that is organized and managed by our students.

We’ve recorded over 100 unique ideas.

The goal is to build peace.

It’s that simple.

A celebratory summative model

Showcases of learning—an organic, working summary of student-generated ideas.

In 2014, the Model United Nations class at Bob Lanier Middle School created an International Peace Festival (IPF) instead of taking a traditional final exam. IPF is now school wide event at Bob Lanier, We envision all schools ending their year with a Peace Festival showcasing student learning in science, history, math, language, art and peace.

Ways To Create The IPF

  • A trifold board placed on top of a table to display a student project

    Display Your Idea

    Display your work on a table and present your idea to the visitors, or hang your display on the wall and let the visitors make their own interpretations.

  • 4 students standing on either side of a table with rocks of different sizes lined up as a science project.

    Craft Your Idea

    Design an interactive installation or share craft activities.

  • 2 boys dressed in purple jackets and masks and one is holding a guitar

    Perform & Play

    Participate live in a virtual game tournament or a discussion forum. Play an instrument or just dance.

Peace Elements of The Past


Food & Display Booths


Kids on Peace, International Food, Upcycling, UNICEF, Nihilism, Garden Club, State of the Child, Country Booths, Books to Go, Comics, Painting Styles Around the World, Fashion Blogs, Gender Equality, Soccer Jerseys of the World, Moon Rooster Food Truck, Snowball Stand, Children’s Rights, Ocean Pollution, UNESCO Heritage Sites, Science of the Future, Chinese Food Blog, Food 4 Peace, Violence VS Women, Imaginary Countries, History of Peace, Nuclear Disarmament, Moral Dilemma Booth, Peace Activist Booth, Heritage Booths


Crafts & Interactives


Friendship Bracelets, Portraits by Twins, Peace Chalkboard, V-Tech Future Think Tank, Art for Peace, Peace Photo Booth, Video Game Creation, Make Your Own Flag, Ukraine Foundation, Geography Demo, Drawing Peace, Chalk talk, Climate Change SIM, Create Your Own Peace Plan, Do You Believe in Peace App


Performances & Games


Bean Bag Geography Game, Basketball Teachers vs Students, Country Soccer Game, Olympic SIM, Tower of Memes, Live Music, Language Class, Spanish Poetry, Culture Parade, Dragon Dance, Minecraft for Peace, Rock Race, Pillow Fight SIM, Sports and Peace, Cheer for Peace, Smash Brothers Tournament, War Snowball Fight, MUN for parents, Scavenger Hunt, Fashion Show, Stand Up, Karaoke, Peace Song DJ collection

Contact us.

Reach out to Ms. Dimitrijevic at to learn how you can set up your own peace festival at your school or community.