2024 our theme was multiculturalism in collaboration with HISD’s multi-lingual department

This year we had art cars and a professional video recording made which will grow into a documentary in the next few years.


Student Voice

City-council-at-large Letitia Plummer opened for us, , started our documentary project, had choir, dragon dancers, robotics, student council, karate, Rice Students, IPTO, food truck, Iran protest room, chess tournament, MUN SIM, got two awards, peace chalk outside, 2000 plus attended and much more….

A Healthy World

International Peace Festival 2022

Welcome Message & Lion Dance

Math and History, Elective, ELA and Science Learning Showcase

Over 70 Student Booths + Choir, Orchestra, and Band performances

Peace Games: Tug-of-Peace, Community Building Three-Legged Race , Team Relay Race

Garden Center and Art Event

Celebrating Children

International Peace Festival 2021

An end of the year, look-what-I-learned-this-year celebration and peace festival, which was a school-wide hybrid event with 600 attendees.

See our IPF 2021


International Peace Festival 2020

We grew school-wide during COVID, went online, and had over 300 viewers during our streaming reveal

See our online IPF 2020

Some past themes were nuclear disarmament and art…